These images of The Suri Tribe of South West Ethiopia i found on Pinterest/Flickr. The use of colour and line really drew me in, i love the contrast between the bright orange and the rich skin tone of the boy in the image above.
This image is one of my favourite so far! This Tribal boy has applied mud to hydrate and toughen the skin. Altho not used for aesthetic purposes i find the textural quality of the surface really fascinating and i love how you can still see the skin around the eyes. It reminds me of the image i took of the cracked dry ground whilst in Monument Valley!
The idea of using spots or dots is really simple but very striking, they have been applied here in a haphazard and inaccurate way which is very effective. Below i have begun to experiment with black and white and have painted the face black using Aqua color and applied dots and pattern over the top using white.
I definitely want to incorporate dots into my designs but i need to experiment with different materials and apply the aqua colour thickly to create a completely black surface which will result in a more striking look...